Source code for postpic.datareader

# This file is part of postpic.
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# Stephan Kuschel 2014-2018
The Datareader package contains methods and interfaces to read data from
any Simulation.

The basic concept consits of two different types of readers:

The Dumpreader
This has to be subclassed from Dumpreader_ifc and allows to read a single dump
created by the simulation. To identify which dump should be read its
initialized with a dumpidentifier. This dumpidentifier can be almost anything,
but in the easiest case this is the filepath pointing to a single file
containing every information about this simulation dump. With this information
the dumpreader must be able to read all data regarding this dump (which is a
lot: X, Y, Z, Px, Py, Py, weight, mass, charge, ID,.. for all particle species,
electric and magnetic fields on grid, the grid itself, mabe particle ids,...)

The Simulationreader
This has to be subclassed from Simulationreader_ifc and allows to read a full
list of simulation dumps. Thus an alternate Name for this class could be
"Dumpsequence". This allows the code to track particles from different times
of the simulation or create plots with a time axis.

Stephan Kuschel 2014
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from .datareader import *

__all__ = ['chooseCode', 'readDump', 'readSim', 'setdumpreadercls', 'setsimreadercls']
__all__ += datareader.__all__

_dumpreadercls = None
_simreadercls = None

[docs]def setdumpreadercls(dumpreadercls): ''' Sets the class that is used for reading dumps on later calls of :func:`postpic.readDump`. Parameters ---------- dumpreadercls : Dumpreader_ifc Note ---- This should only be used, for testing. A set of presets is provided by :func:`postpic.chooseCode`. ''' if issubclass(dumpreadercls, Dumpreader_ifc): global _dumpreadercls _dumpreadercls = dumpreadercls else: raise Exception('In order to set a reader class for a new file' ' format it needs to be subclass of "Dumpreader_ifc"')
[docs]def setsimreadercls(simreadercls): ''' Sets the class that is used for reading a simulation on later calls of :func:`postpic.readSim`. Parameters ---------- simreadercls : Simulationreader_ifc Note ---- This should only be used, for testing. A set of presets is provided by :func:`postpic.chooseCode`. ''' if issubclass(simreadercls, Simulationreader_ifc): global _simreadercls _simreadercls = simreadercls else: raise Exception('In order to set a reader for a new file' ' format it needs to be subclass of ' '"Simulationreader_ifc"')
[docs]def readDump(dumpidentifier, **kwargs): ''' After using the fucntion :func:`postpic.chooseCode`, this function should be the main function for reading a dump into postpic. Parameters ---------- dumpidentifier : str Identifies the dump. For most dumpreaders this is a string poining to the file or folder. See what the specific reader of your format expects. **kwargs will be forwarded to the dumpreader. Returns ------- Dumpreader the dumpreader for this specific data dump. ''' # numpy like docstring global _dumpreadercls if _dumpreadercls is None: raise Exception('Specify dumpreaderclass first.') return _dumpreadercls(dumpidentifier, **kwargs)
[docs]def readSim(simidentifier, **kwargs): ''' After using the function :func:`postpic.chooseCode`, this function should be the main function for reading a simulation into postpic. A simulation is equivalent to a series of dumps in a specific order (not neccessarily time order). Args: simidentifier (str): Identifies the simulation. For EPOCH this should be a string pointing to a `.visit` file. Specifics depend on the current simreader class, as set by `chooseCode`. **kwargs: will be forwarded to the simreader. Returns: the Simulationreader ''' # google like docstring global _simreadercls if _simreadercls is None: raise Exception('Specify simreaderclass first.') return _simreadercls(simidentifier, **kwargs)
[docs]def chooseCode(code): ''' Chooses appropriate reader for the given simulation code. After choosing a preset of the correct reader, the functions :func:`postpic.readDump` and :func:`postpic.readSim` are setup for this preset. Parameters ---------- code : string Possible options are: - "DUMMY": dummy class creating fake data. - "EPOCH": .sdf files written by EPOCH1D, EPOCH2D or EPOCH3D. ( ) - "openPMD": .h5 files written in openPMD Standard. ( ) - "fbpic": .h5 files written by fbpic ( ). This is the openPMD reader, but includes the conversion from azimuthal modes to a cylindrical grid. - "piconGPU": same as "openPMD". This reader can be used for piconGPU written h5 files. ( ) - "VSIM": .hdf5 files written by VSim. Currently not working. Needs updating. ''' if code.lower() in ['epoch', 'epoch1d', 'epoch2d', 'epoch3d']: from .epochsdf import Sdfreader, Visitreader setdumpreadercls(Sdfreader) setsimreadercls(Visitreader) elif code.lower() in ['openpmd', 'openpmdh5', 'picongpu']: from .openPMDh5 import OpenPMDreader, FileSeries setdumpreadercls(OpenPMDreader) setsimreadercls(FileSeries) elif code.lower() in ['fbpic']: from .openPMDh5 import FbpicReader, FbpicFileSeries setdumpreadercls(FbpicReader) setsimreadercls(FbpicFileSeries) elif code.lower() in ['vsim']: raise Exception('VSim reader requires update due to the interface change in ' '' 'c3d5b9d7afda3b3b0ebf57cd3199567a5a494803') from .vsimhdf5 import Hdf5reader, VSimReader setdumpreadercls(Hdf5reader) setsimreadercls(VSimReader) elif code.lower() in ['dummy']: from .dummy import Dummyreader, Dummysim setdumpreadercls(Dummyreader) setsimreadercls(Dummysim) else: raise TypeError('Code "{}" not recognized.'.format(code))